Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holiday Service Drive for Arbor House

We're holding a holiday drive for the Arbor House. We' d like for everyone to bring an item or two from the list below. Arbor House is a home for single moms (I believe they have six moms plus kids/babies right now) and we'll be delivering the items before Christmas. If anyone would like to contribute to a couple of grocery gift cards, please let me know and I'll go buy some or bring gift cards with you.

Wish List
  • Household Paper Products: trash bags, paper towels, toilet paper, tissues, napkins, etc. Household Cleaning Supplies: disinfectant spray, Windex, dish soap, etc.
  • Infant Wipes & Diapers (all sizes needed)
  • Infant OTC Tylenol, saline, diaper cream, etc
  • H E Laundry Soap
  • Storage Tubs with Lids
  • Carpet Vacuum
  • Gift Cards (Albertsons, Publix, Walmart, Target)
  • Fabric & batting

End-of-Year Holiday Party

Please join us next Tuesday, December 9, at Mr. Jesse's for a holiday dinner. We'll meet at 5:30. We'd like for everyone to bring a side dish or dessert. I haven't decided what to do for a meat dish yet, so if anyone would like to help, just let me know! If you need directions, just let me know. Here are sign up areas that I'm thinking of:

Side Dish (at least 2):
Paper Goods: